Well people, yesterday I went to Glendalough, a valley where a town was built in the 10th century (I think) and where you could find a cathedral, a market... like in Kingsbridge, in the book "The Pillars of the earth". Apparently, in those days, the christians had to go on pilgrimage once to Rome or 7 times to Glendalough, so the british tend to go there.
The best of the place is that it is in the valley where a glaciar was, and altough the glaciar is not there since many years ago, there are still two lakes and a nice waterfall.
Well, as always, I bring you some photos of the place.
Here, the Bell's tower, which was circle, in front of the cementery.
Once you pass the lake, you only have the waterfall and the valley.
And well, at the top of the mountain it was quite cold, so I had to put the jacket on.
Really nice, isn't it?? well, just after that it began to rain so it got complicated to climb down, even more amusing!!
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