Well, I've been in a couple of places that maybe are interesting for you.
In first place, I've been with my group of kids in the Botanic Garden of Dublin. It is quite little but interesting... and nice, of course, very green.
There we have all the variety of cactus there are... I think:
Here, a mosaic made with little plants... very nice. You can see one of the leaders with some of my kids.
Later, the Roses corner, where we could see all kind of roses there are. It was just rained, so I tried to use the manual focus of my cell phone. There are some quite nice, aren't they??
And here we can see the rose that people payed more attention, but only because of the name, because it was quite old and skinny...
In a Greenhouse we could find... a "jungle", so they recreated a house of the jungle.
Next day we went to Malahide Castle, where lived the Talbot family, which, aparently, was very important in the Irish History. We could see the inside, but we couldn't take pictures of it, so... there are only some.
And here I am with the castle.
I kind of freaked out when I saw what is like to drive by the left... so I made a video. It is curious and weird.
Later in the afternoon, we went to mass, ina... well, in the outside it was quite bad looking, but on the inside it was fine, quite big.
I have to say that the priest was an old man who didn't pronounce very well, but you can get a paper with the whole mass so you can follow it reading, and it helped a lot. I liked the experience.
Greetings from Ireland!!
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